Monday 18 February 2013

HA2 - Task 10 Evaluation

We started of the year with unit 64. We started to use new programs such as After Effects, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

The first thing we made on Illustrator was the logo and desgin for my media company. The name of my media company is AC Productions, and i have desgined a film camera with a stand, i did this by using the pen and tool feature. I also chose a few other font desgins that i could use if i wanted to change the look of my desgin. I found this task straight forward, i had used this program in high school briefly so i had abit of an idea on how to use it but i needed a reminder and help. After doing this we moved on to tracing 4 sporting pictures, at first i found this really difficult because i could work out how i was suppose to do the under layers first and build on top of them, but eventually i worked out how to do it and i enjoyed doing it.

After finishing that task we had some clients from Salford City College that came in and told us that they wanted a new desgin and gave us details of what they would like us to incorporate. When they left i created a mood board on powerpoint with slides of what they would like us to put in there desgin, also i put some example of modern logos, different fonts and ideas.

For the client i had to create some new desgins, i just made some simple shapes but nothing to complicated. Some of the desgins i did, did not fit what the client wanted so i get rid of them. And tried to desgin something that fitted his desgins better. After creating a better desgin and the client was happy with it we moved on to a different program called Adobe After Effects and we started to create a mation graphics piece called 'Devils Rides Out' to do this we watched a tutorial video and followed a series of steps to create the whole video. I was please with the end result of this video because i had never done anything like that before and it turned out quite well. After finishing the Devil Rides Out task we were given the task of creating a sting for E4 without using the tutorial and see how well we could do and how much knowledge we got from creating the Devil Rides Out, i was also please how this turned out, i feel like it is different to other students in my class because it is simple and not too much going on.

After completing these two task as a sort of practice of using After Effects and having practice of making motion graphic we were asked to make a motion graphics by a client from Salford City College, they wanted us to create them a new logo that they could use, but i also had to incorporate the Salford City College logo somewhere in the 30 second video. I designed the logo and then made a story board with what would happen in the video, this was straight forward and i did not have any problems. I was able to do everything on my video that i did on my storyboard, so i was pleased about this.

HA2 - Task 9

HA2 - Task 8

HA2 - Task 6

HA2 - Task 5

HA2 - Task 3

HA2 - Task 1 Adobe Illustrator Exercise